As SEVRON KİMYA TEKNİK TEKSTİL VE AMBALAJ SANAYİ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, we completely fulfill local and international quality standards, GMP requirements and all relevant legal obligations in our cosmetic product productions and other applications, and we always provide safe service to human health with the quality of our products.

We work with determination, responsibility and passion so that the services we offer are customer-oriented; We continuously improve our quality system with risk-based approaches and trainings in order to make it sustainable and we adopt it to our employees.

To prevent the inconveniences that may arise later by producing the most appropriate, most accurate and most economical solutions in the fastest way.

To be a reliable company with an understanding that meets the needs and expectations of the customer at the highest level

To contribute to the country’s economy with the quality of service we provide by increasing our experience and knowledge.

To ensure customer satisfaction with our employee satisfaction and service quality

To ensure maximum communication and efficiency with a system approach in process and management.

To make continuous improvement sustainable on the basis of efficiency.

Using the developing and up-to-date technologies and closely following the developments in the sector, continuously increasing the product quality and producing a production that exceeds the customer expectations.